My baby daughter was Cinderella for Halloween. I made these glass slippers from vinyl for her to wear. They were a big hit. However, they made her feet sweat if she didn't wear socks.
Glass Baby Slippers
size 0-6 months
by Danica Francom
Materials list:
Stickers to embellish with
Cut pattern pieces (last page of this document) exactly as drawn. There is a 1/4 inch seam allowance unless otherwise stated.
Trace pattern pieces onto vinyl. (I used a marker, pens and pencils leave indentions.) Trace two of each pattern piece. Make sure to flip the sole piece for the other foot. Cut patterns out of vinyl. Make sure to cut off all of the marker off as you will be able to see any marking on the vinyl.
Fold over top edge on heel a generous ¼ inch once to create a nice finished edge. Stitch it down. Fold over side edges on heel a generous ¼ inch once to create a nice finished edge. Stitch it down.
Fold over edge on top a generous ¼ inch once to create a nice finished edge. Stitch it down.
Pin sole to top piece making sure not to pin within ¼ inch of edge. Match midpoints. This is a little tricky because the vinyl doesn’t bend very well, but trust me, it can be done. Sew.
Pin heel to sole making sure not to pin within ¼ inch of edge. Match midpoints. Sew.
Trim vinyl close to stitching around the sole.
Flip the shoe so stitching on sole is on the inside of shoe.
Embellish with stickers or buttons.

For instructions on how to make cloth shoes like these go to: