I loved the idea of a tower birthday cake for my daughter's Tangled party. I found this great
website with instructions for a Tangled Tower and got all the ingredients.
SuperMom also made a tower with the same instructions.
The morning of the birthday parties, I planned on making the tower while my daughter was at preschool. I got a wooden dowel and stuck it in some Styrofoam, but it was really wobbly. The tower wouldn't be very stable with it like that. So my husband took a block of wood and drilled a hole into it. I covered the block with cute scrapbook paper (the same paper I used for the invitations) and stuck the dowel into the block with some hot glue. It was VERY stable. The perfect backbone for the tower.
When I opened the package of pecan rolls I was VERY disappointed. They were teeny tiny! Not what I was expecting. If I had made a tower with them, it would only have been about 9 inches high. I wanted a TOWER.
My husband had a great idea. Why not make the tower out of cake doughnuts? They are strong and solid and about the size I was thinking. He saved the day and picked up a dozen white cake doughnuts (from my favorite bakery, Dick's) while he was out getting balloons.
While he was out I put the candy coating on the waffle cones. I made a backup top just incase I needed it and then used the left over candy coating to dip some cupcakes and extra cones in. Guests used the cones for ice cream that night and said they were really good.
Then the hero came home with doughnuts and balloons. The doughnuts were PERFECT! I loved the doughnuts much more than the pecan rolls. The frosting and the sprinkles reminded me of the flowers on the tower.

I stacked 9 doughnuts onto the dowel and the topped it with the muffin and waffle cone. I mixed up green, pink, and purple frosting and created some vines and flowers for the tower (they aren't the best, I'm no cake decorator.) But the tower was perfect.

I borrowed my mom's stand and put the tower on top. It was great! The kids at the friends party got cupcakes and we ate the doughnut tower at the family party later that night. The doughnuts went super fast. Everyone wanted one.

If you use this fun idea for making a doughnut tower cake, I would love to see pictures! Please post a comment with a link to your wonderful tower.
I also made these cute jell-o cups with the same paper as the invitations. I got this great idea from
SuperMom. The kids at the afternoon party liked them, but the adults at the family party didn't go for them as much. (They wanted the doughnuts.)