The best part about her designs is that they are sold online. Each design can me purchased in 3 different sizes. You can buy them at Modern Yardage here:
I used these fabrics:
Fan Flare in Pink, Medium
Organic Paisley in Blue, Medium
Natural Damask in Orange, Large
Dots in Pink, Small
Iris Pinwheel in White, Medium
Quartrefoil in Orange on White, Small
My baby's dress was from an old pattern my mom had from her aunt. Although the style in the 60's was to hem it up about 3 inches higher, I wanted it longer and only did a small hem.

I love the detailing of the small buttons and the pockets. I measured a headband from Gymboree that we have to make this copy. I am going to make a tutorial for how to make it soon. It is super cute!

I also learned that she is really photogenic. She is a goofball when taking photos, but so many of her photos turned out so good.
My oldest daughter picked a pattern with a pieced together skirt. It was actually a lot or work to get the skirt all put together, but it turned out really cute. The top in the pattern didn't have sleeves, but I just used the same sleeves from the other pattern to add sleeves to this dress. We also found the perfect ric-rac for the detailing and the buttons on the back at JoAnn's Fabric Store.